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The platform is discussed internationally in well-known media such as Business Insider & Yahoo Finance.
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The content is simple video courses on various issues produced by world class leading psychologists and mental trainers.
The content is produced by world class psychologists and mental trainers
The psychologists and mental trainers have together carried out over 10,000 conversations, and have specialist expertise in each issue.
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Inside the platform, you can stream many different topics through a number of different videos. You can also book a 1-1 conversation if you want to talk to someone.
Regardless of what you want to develop or have challenges with, there is a film for you on the platform where you can learn how to solve the problem with simple techniques.
See the content when you want, where you want from your phone.
When the thought arises, you can log in to find your playlist with the films you want to see.
Stress is the body's natural response to challenges or demands, and can be both physical and psychological. Short-term stress can be useful, as it can motivate you to complete tasks or deal with dangerous situations.
But when stress becomes chronic, it can have negative effects on health, such as a weakened immune system, sleep problems, and an increased risk of anxiety and depression.Finding balance and learning stress management techniques, such as relaxation, physical activity, and time management, are important for maintaining good health and well-being.
Overthinking, or thinking too much about something, can have negative consequences for both mental and physical health.
This can lead to both increased stress and anxiety.When you overanalyze situations or problems, you often spend unnecessary energy thinking about all possible outcomes.
Learn simple techniques to avoid overthinking and brooding.
Worries can negatively affect both mental and physical health.Constantly worrying about potential problems or future events can lead to increased stress, poor sleep, and impaired ability to focus.
Worries are often about fear of the unknown, and can become a cycle of negative thoughts that is difficult to break.
Anxiety is a natural reaction to stress or danger, but when it becomes persistent and intense, it can develop into an anxiety disorder.
Anxiety can manifest itself in many ways, including feelings of uneasiness, nervousness, fear, and panic.
Physical symptoms such as palpitations, sweating, tremors, and difficulty breathing are also common.
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